6 Easter Eggs That Connect “Red Dead Redemption 2” to “Red Dead Revolver”

“Red Dead Redemption 2” is famous for its intricate world, rich storytelling, and subtle nods to its predecessors. Among these are several Easter eggs that connect it to the original game in the series, “Red Dead Revolver.” These hidden gems not only enhance the experience for longtime fans but also provide a deeper appreciation of Rockstar’s commitment to creating a cohesive universe.

Red Dead Redemption 2 via Rockstar Games
Red Dead Redemption 2 via Rockstar Games
  1. Red Harlow’s Nod

    In “Red Dead Redemption 2,” players can find a character model resembling Red Harlow, the main character of “Red Dead Revolver.” This character can be spotted in various locations, bringing a sense of nostalgia for those familiar with the original game. The resemblance is uncanny, making it a delightful discovery for eagle-eyed players.

  2. The Fallen Homestead

    One of the more poignant Easter eggs is the homestead that mirrors Red Harlow’s home from “Red Dead Revolver.” This location can be found in the Grizzlies East region, showcasing a burned-down house that resembles the tragic beginning of Harlow’s story. It serves as a reminder of the character’s past and ties the two games together.

  3. Bessie and Ned’s Graves

    In the expansive world of “Red Dead Redemption 2,” players can stumble upon the graves of Bessie and Ned, Red Harlow’s parents. These graves are located near the fallen homestead, adding another layer of connection to “Red Dead Revolver.” This detail provides a sense of continuity and pays homage to the characters that set the stage for the entire series.

  4. The Revolver

    One of the more interactive Easter eggs is Otis Miller’s revolver, which bears a striking resemblance to Red Harlow’s signature weapon. This unique gun can be found hidden in a cave north of Cholla Springs, providing a powerful and nostalgic weapon for players who seek it out. This discovery rewards those who explore the game’s vast world thoroughly.

  5. References in Dialogue

    Characters in “Red Dead Redemption 2” occasionally make subtle references to events and characters from “Red Dead Revolver.” These lines of dialogue are often hidden in side conversations or campfire chats, making them easy to miss. However, for players paying close attention, these references offer a deeper understanding of the lore and connections between the games.

  6. The Strange Man

    The Strange Man, a mysterious character from “Red Dead Redemption,” makes an eerie appearance in “Red Dead Redemption 2” as well. This enigmatic figure is thought to be a supernatural being, and his presence ties back to the mystical elements first introduced in “Red Dead Revolver.” Finding his cabin in Lemoyne and discovering the cryptic messages left behind provides a chilling connection across the games.

“Red Dead Redemption 2” is a treasure trove of Easter eggs and hidden references that enrich the player’s experience. The connections to “Red Dead Revolver” not only serve as a tribute to the series’ origins but also deepen the narrative and immersive quality of the game. These Easter eggs encourage exploration and reward dedicated fans with a richer understanding of the Red Dead universe.

READ MORE: 7 Tips for Surviving the Wild West in “Red Dead Redemption 2”

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